Posted To Steve Keen’s Substack Newsletter 05/18/2024

Indeed accounting is a powerful temporal universe reality anchoring discipline especially when it is wielded by banks to enforce their monopoly paradigm of Debt Only as in the burden to repay in the creation and distribution of new money.

But what if utilizing the accounting equation we credited 50% of the price of virtually everything to the consumer at retail sale, and the government rebated that credit back to the merchant granting it to the consumer? That would macro-economically implement beneficial price and asset DEFLATION which is a destruction of the profit-making orthodoxy that deflation is bad for commercial agents, and enlightens the fact that retail sale is the sole aggregative as in universally participated in/personally economically effecting point in the entire economic process (worthy of a non-Noble prize in economics if I do say so myself) and is thus the perfect place to implement the above monetary policy because:

1) it mathematically doubles everyone’s purchasing power and so

2) potentially the demand for every enterprise’s goods and services,

3) ends inflation forever and last but not least

4) transforms the often onerous experience of going to the store to buy something into the greatest opportunity to self actualize gratitude for a gift since meditation and prayer. Exactly what an increasingly hostile and chaotic world needs.

The Nuclear Option: The Bank of Monetary Grace As In Gifting

The way to either bring true competition to Finance, or put every non-adapting of the new monetary paradigm bank out of business.

Incorporate it as the first new paradigm competitor to traditional banking and have it loan at no more than 4%. Innovation is a key signature of historical paradigm changes.

New Policy

25% Gift/Debt Jubilee policy for commercial loans. No debt jubilee for any purely financial/speculative purposes, any derivative “products” or currency speculations which will also be severely regulated.

The New Monetary Paradigm Policy of a 50% Discount/Rebate at Retail Sale: The Ultimate Bucky Fuller Trim Tab and Slayer of Monopoly Paradigms

New paradigms are Bucky Fuller Trim tabs in that they cause significant change with the application of a single concept. Especially if that application is 1) the very expression of the new paradigm itself and 2) that expression temporally results in resolving the anomalies of the old/present paradigm because it actually is the key new concept that resolves. IT’S THE SOLUTION EXPRESSED AND APPLIED. Its as simple and as powerful as that. Its helio-centrism instead of geo-centrism. Its agriculture instead of nomadic hunting and gathering. Its Monetary Gifting instead of 1) Debt as in the Burden To Repay and 2) Debt as the sole monopolistic form and vehicle for the creation and distribution of new money. This doubly anomalous paradigm is especially problematic because it not only poses a logical paradox, as all new paradigms do, but also potentially presents a moral response which the morally orthodox can use to resist needed change. The last such paradigm change was The Reformation where the paradigm of Salvation via the Roman Catholic Sacraments Only was challenged by Luther’s paradigm that one could have a direct personal relationship with god.

Implementing Grace: The Best Way To Truly Change Both Yourself and the Temporal Universe

Why? Because grace as in love in action is the most integrative of opposites concept in the world…so “as inside so outside” and the best way to self actualize a reality is to experience it daily if not continuously which means if you can feel grace as in gratitude for a continuous external reality you’re going to make that experience more real to your self.

Contemplate the various aspects of grace and create the opportunity to experience gratitude continuously in our temporal universe systems, and you’ll get a synergistic increase in the highest and most rewarding experience humanity can have.

This is what can occur with the implementation of the new monetary paradigm of Gifting. The opposites of self and systems integrated by grace.

Posted To Steve Keen’s Substack Newsletter 05/06/2024

Use double-entry bookkeeping which is probably the most temporal universe anchoring discipline humanity has ever invented, and a new monetary idea that, like all new paradigms is always in complete conceptual opposition to the present anomalous oneā€¦and just so happens to resolve the anomalies because its the solution to the key outnesses like “money, debt and banks” for instance. Come on, Keen. You can follow this and you know the history of the Copernican cosmological paradigm change. You’re just not following through with the conceptual/philosophical analysis and policy alignment.

Paradoxes of The New Monetary Paradigm

Doubles everyone’s purchasing power and yet implements beneficial price and asset deflation.

Doubles everyone’s purchasing power, but as it ends inflation it is actually the begining step toward effectively confronting climate change by enabling the massive fiscal deficits and private investment necessary to do so.

Its economic benefits are actually less significant than its daily, continuous and universally participated in opportunities to self actualize gratitude, thereby showing it to be an integration of the opposites of temporal universe and personal realities

Begins our return to the superior mental discipline of Wisdom and its integrative mental process after a 500 year flirtation with reductive science only, while retaining good open minded science which is and always has been a wholly contained set within Wisdom.


Open your eyes and your mind to only the third mega-paradigm change humanity has ever experienced by doing the simple math, the simple accounting and understanding that paradigm concepts and wisdom insights are alike deep resolving simplicities.